A dental implant is an artificial titanium tooth root replacement and is used in dentistry to support one or more false teeth. Just like a tooth root, it is placed into the jawbone.
Implants are a safe, well-established, tried-and-tested treatment. You can expect them to last for many years, if your implants are well looked after and if the bone they are fitted to is strong and healthy.
Any number of teeth can be replaced with implants – from one single tooth to a complete set.
Implant treatment is usually done under a simple local anaesthetic and you will not feel any pain during the treatment, however you may feel some discomfort during the week after the surgery.
The duration of treatment varies and your dentist will be able to give you a rough timetable before the treatment starts but usually the permanent false teeth are fitted 2-3 months after the implants are put in.
Implant retained replacement teeth are more comfortable than dentures as there is no slipping or movement. They are also a great alternative to bridgework for permanently replacing missing teeth, eliminating the need to grind down healthy teeth.
Dental implants can help to maintain the shape and structure of the jaw-bone which will change after teeth have been extracted.
Free Replacing Missing Teeth Information Pack
A 33 page report full of the most useful information.
- The costs and lowest price alternatives
- Your options and choices for treatment
- Are you suitable for treatment?
- Can dental implants be used as an alternative to root canal treatment?
- What happens if you smoke?
- How many implants might you need
- Plus lots more…
Benefits of implant-borne teeth:
- They are the most natural solution aesthetically and functionally.
- Fit harmoniously into the dental arch.
- Cannot be distinguished from real teeth in function and appearance in daily life.
- Provide a stable foundation for the denture. They spare patients the disadvantages of conventional prostheses such as pressure points and poor fit. The palate is no longer covered by plastic denture material, which has a positive effect on speech and the sense of taste.
- They make it unnecessary to grind the neighbouring teeth.
- Can prevent bone atrophy – like natural tooth roots, implants transmit chewing forces evenly to the jaw bone. This is stressed during chewing, just like with natural teeth, so it preserves its natural shape. If this stress is absent, as with conventional solutions, the jaw bone shrinks slowly
- Reliable
- Implantology is a highly specialised field and we are proud to be able to offer the services of our extremely skilled and experienced clinicians who are trained in this field of dentistry.
Kuljeet Mehta – our Specialist in Periodontics
Registered Specialist in Periodontics – Practice Limited to Periodontology, Dental Implants and Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery.
BDS, FDS RCS (Eng) MClinDent, MRD (Perio) RCS (Ed)
GDC: 81789
Kuljeet Mehta, is Registered Specialist in Periodontics, practices a full scope of periodontics with expertise ranging from dental implants to periodontal surgery, aesthetic gum grafting and crown lengthening.
You can find more information on his website http://kmperio.co.uk
He is at our surgery every Monday.